One Room Challenge Week 2: The Layout

One Room Challenge Week 2: The Layout

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Hey there, welcome to Week 2 of my dining room makeover for the One Room Challenge. I’m excited to share the progress I have made over the week. Check out my Before photos and the plan for my dining room in my Week 1 post. Here’s a rundown of the progress:


My task last week was to start working on the seating for the dining room. As you may recall from my previous post, the dining room is quite small, and I wanted to create enough seating that didn’t look too cumbersome in the small space.  My initial plan was to include an L shaped window bench around the room but after working through the layout, that didn’t seem feasible. Now the plan is to create a single window bench across the length of the room in addition to dining chairs around a small dining table. Check out my room layout plan:  

Plan view
3D rendering


The window bench is in. I still need to add trim, paint and add cushions but I’m happy I got the frame in. It was a slight challenge initially because the baseboard radiator runs parallel to the wall, but I was able to work around it while still creating a solid foundation.

Next Steps

This week I plan to finish the bench and then start working on the walls. I initially wanted to do shiplap panels but I’m also toying with the idea of wallpaper. I’m going to try a few options before I make a decision. Be sure to come back next week to check out the finished bench and what I decided to do with the walls. And also, check out what the featured designers and other guest participants are working on over at the ORC.